Latest Episodes
5. 1st Annual SPOOKTACULAR
Join us in our first ever Spooktacular extravaganza, where we kick off a tradition sure to last one hundred years. If this doesn't scare...
Shelf Life finally sells out hardcore and starts hawking products like it's our damn job (because it might have to be). Adam hauled way...
1. Marvel Legends / Millennial Meerkats
In our first episode ever, we try to cover the entire universe of toy collecting. We end up talking about millenial meerkats who do...
3. Custom Betty Boop
The boys delve into action figure customizing but get sidetracked by 1940s sex symbol Betty Boop's enormous and unwieldy head. Funko is shat upon....
2. Adam's Baby Boys
In this triumphant return of our podcast, meet Adam's Baby Boys--no, not the real children he had organically, those are his flesh boys. Meet...