48. Is A Career In Toys Right For Me? (w/ Funky Dynamite)

Episode 48 November 19, 2020 01:52:45
48. Is A Career In Toys Right For Me? (w/ Funky Dynamite)
Shelf Life - A Collector's Podcast
48. Is A Career In Toys Right For Me? (w/ Funky Dynamite)

Nov 19 2020 | 01:52:45


Show Notes

It's no longer the Spooktacular, and it's not yet Shelfmas--it's that consumerist limbo in between. Luckily we have Funky "Shane" Dynamite to help us navigate it. Did you know he works in the toy industry? Secrets revealed within this episode! THIS MONTH: Twitter trolls and the New York Times. The cautionary tale of Walgreens Steven. NECA Randy requests. NECA Back To The Future! Billie Eilish toys from Playmates. Mondo Iron Giant. VINYL RECORD COLLECTING. #MLexit. Toy displays and Detolf alternatives. Spider-Verse, Frog-Man, & Stilt-Man. McFarlane Batmans. Is the toy industry really like Big or Toys (1992)? Hasbro action figure gun rules. Kenner Ghostbusters. #Collectorshelpingcollectors. Farting Ninjas. ...AND THE SAGA OF THE 100% SOFT DUMPSTER FIRE! instagram @shelflifepodcast twitter @shelflifehost Shelf Life is a part of the AUX podcast network: https://aux-network.podiant.co/

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