47. 4th Annual SPOOKTACULAR w/ Tom G. Wolf

Episode 47 October 16, 2020 01:49:52
47. 4th Annual SPOOKTACULAR w/ Tom G. Wolf
Shelf Life - A Collector's Podcast
47. 4th Annual SPOOKTACULAR w/ Tom G. Wolf

Oct 16 2020 | 01:49:52


Show Notes

4 years of Halloween episodes! That's terrifying! Luckily we have fan-favorite guest Tom G. Wolf to tuck us in and kiss us goodnight and scare away the nightmares, all the way from Sydney, Australia. Anyway...NECA Horror! Friday the 13th! Hellraiser! Hasbro Power Rangers! WHERE'S ERNIE THO?! Jurassic Park! Shudder and horror movies in general! Let's Scare Jessica To Death! MCU Hot Takes! Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom! GI Joe Classified! Profit Director Destro with customized dollar bill$! D&D, Warhammer 40K, and other tabletop stuff! Scalping! The Last of Us Part II! Funko Pop virginity! Mezco Conan! ReAction / Super 7 GHOST figures! and BORAT 2!!! It's a fine conversation. Please let us into your hearts. instagram @shelflifepodcast twitter @shelflifehost Shelf Life is a part of the AUX podcast network: https://aux-network.podiant.co/

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