FEED DROP: Scrambled Transmissions

Episode 50 April 29, 2021 00:42:55
FEED DROP: Scrambled Transmissions
Shelf Life - A Collector's Podcast
FEED DROP: Scrambled Transmissions

Apr 29 2021 | 00:42:55


Show Notes

SURPRISE! Adam started his own podcast, and it has joined the AUX family. It's called Scrambled Transmissions, and it's about anthology television shows (Twilight Zone, Black Mirror, Perversions of Science, etc). You can listen to it wherever fine podcasts are found. We've decided to drop a sample episode in this feed in which Adam has Blake on as a guest, and they talk about the very first Tales from the Crypt episode, "The Man Who Was Death." They also discuss vigilantism and some other deep shit. Also, some parts are funny! Shelf Life will be back next time with your regularly scheduled(?) programming. [Check out more AUX podcasts here](http://aux-network.podiant.co/) Like us? [Support us on Patreon and get bonus content too!](https://www.patreon.com/auxaudio)

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