21. Making Fun: The Story of Funko

Episode 21 August 28, 2018 01:29:55
21. Making Fun: The Story of Funko
Shelf Life - A Collector's Podcast
21. Making Fun: The Story of Funko

Aug 28 2018 | 01:29:55


Show Notes

We're talkin' mother Funko toys! We can't seem to stop blathering about the toy line we supposedly hate so this week we're getting it all out of our systems. We watched MAKING FUN: THE STORY OF FUNKO on Netflix, and then we talked about it. Don't know the difference between a Pop! and a Dorbz? The answer is hidden within this episode! Special Guest: Jessica (AKA ToyWife) Host: Blake Walker (AKA Husbandosaurus) Other host: Adam Thimesch (AKA The Vinyl King) Alternate title: Wes Anderson Cinematic Universe. THIS EPISODE CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR "IT (1990)"!

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