16. Foam Tony

Episode 16 May 19, 2018 01:15:50
16. Foam Tony
Shelf Life - A Collector's Podcast
16. Foam Tony

May 19 2018 | 01:15:50


Show Notes

MEET BRIAN THE INTERN. I can't believe we never mentioned him before, but he's been here all along, setting up our mics and wiping our asses. We pay the sucker in 'experience'--can you believe that? Anyway, this one's a whirlwind of topics. Adam, the Wine Boi, teaches us how to grift radio prizes. Blake catches up on the Marvel films and there are MAJOR SPOILERS FOR INFINITY WAR and other older Marvel movies so just don't. We talk about the battle for colorful rocks and how this one jerk, Thanos, can suck the joy out of an audience with a snap of his fingers. Also: Toy Journalists, and HOW DO THEY AFFORD ALL THOSE WONDERFUL TOYS??. An evil doll shared universe (and more Chucky). Kingdom Hearts. More beef with busts. PETER DINK. Blake doesn't understand horror movies. What are Scary Dolls? FOAM TONY THE INCREDIBLE LIFESIZE IRON FRIEND ($1300 USD). Jurassic Park toys are back, baby. Chewbacca and Greedo's Buddy Road Trip Comedy (TM--a spec script Adam wrote as an over-imaginative child). BIG BAD TOY STORE IS HAVING A MOTU CLASSICS SALE AND THESE FIGS ARE JUST MUST-HAVES. The 4 quadrants of collecting. And finally...UPCOMING TOYS AND COLLECTIBLES OF NOTE IN PREVIEWS MAGAZINE. Thanks, Diamond Distributors! Again, **INFINITY WAR SPOILERS AHOY**

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